Yea, when I go through various kinds of loss, I used to binge watch tragedy shows after shows. I am not sure if it's due to wanting to feel I'm not alone, or trying to find some situations "worser" than I, as I knew in my head, (not heart), that gratitude is the end goal out of grief. But it takes time.

These days, I resort to watching comedy drama, or syfy stuff.

Haven't watch the Shack, been so busy and overwhelmed.. I just want to sit by the ocean all day and stare or at the white blank wall.

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Boy howdy, are you right. Watching TV became a completely different experience after my husband died — especially the medical shows when someone's heart stopped and Our Heroes had to apply the paddles. I'd never before registered just how many scenes there are like that in any given week of television. For a long time I closed my eyes during those moments — but I never changed the channel. You're right; it became a way to kind of re-experience something of what I'd been through, but at a safer remove. And the calamities that continually beset TV characters make you feel, when you're going through grief, kind of normal by comparison.

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May 19, 2022Liked by Kristi

Watching tv has become almost like a mine field at times. Watching a show recently where the character died suddenly and unexpectedly. I was sobbing but yet could not walk away.

Any show that has a child dying has me in tears.

However on the other hand, there have been times when watching something funny and I’m in tears, thinking of my sons laughter.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 19, 2022Liked by Kristi

I watched The Shack and yikes! I wanted to cry and had I been alone, I definitely would have. A few tears did escape, but I managed to get through it.

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