In March, near the second anniversary of my husband's death, a young woman tried to shame me for mentioning my husband. I told a very brief funny story. It's not like I talk about him all the time or weep and moan. I like to remember his humor and wisdom. Except for my widow friends, others want me to pretend he never existed. We're a soulless and selfish bunch in our culture.

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I will be posthumously offended if those I leave behind turn into sad sacks every time they think of me.

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I've been thinking about something for a while Kristi. Something to do with cards and grief. There never seems to a "good" one for the memoriam date. And it feels plain wrong to call it an anniversary. For all those who lost someone whether through a long illness, or unexpectedly. What would have helped you ? Or what do you wish you heard from someone? It's been gnawing at me..

If you are interested, could you send me a PM? Pretty please??

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