I see angels all the time, usually in the form of birds. Raves, hawks, bluejays. Whenever i went out anywhere, my wife would ask the angels to watch over me. Usually, before I even got off my street on the way to do the errands, a single raven would fly over the car and land on the light pole, stare down at me and caw. I'm talking 9 out of 10 times.

A couple weeks after she died, I went out back because I was going to have a ceremonial burn in the fire pit and I was getting the wood ready. I heard a hawk call and looked up in the sky to see 8 hawks circling and calling down. For a split second, I felt as if I was in teh consciousness of teh hawks looking down at me in the backyard. I mean I could see myself how I looked from their vantage point. They circled a couple of times, flew over to my backyard, circled again and flew off on their way. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, tears streaming down my face.

I live in the spiritual, esoteric world everyday, on purpose, but this was above and beyond, and still brings tears even now while writing about it.

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Birds seem to be a common theme. I never paid much attention until after Curtis died. Now it seems that EVERY time I'm out walking a bird follows me, lands in my path, hops along the ground in the same direction, or circles above. And each time I spot one I smile and say, "I see you, bud."

Sometimes one lands on my balcony railing and just sits there staring through the window at me.

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I say, "Thank you, bird angel. I love you." It always feels good to say. My backyard is full of birds because we decided to feed them. Susan really loved watching them and I rearranged all the furniture so she could sit in the most comfortable spot and watch them through the patio door.

One day, just before Christmas, she was feeling pretty sad and just said out loud, "I really want hawkbird to come so I can see him." 20 minutes later there was the hawk sitting on the fence, looking in. Hawks in the sky we so on a regular basis, hawks on the fence, maybe once a year.

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Shortly after my dear wife of 48 years passed from her long battle with cancer she sent me an angel message. I returned home one afternoon after a relaxing round of golf with my brother as a way of getting away from the emotional rollercoaster. I went into our bedroom and opened the shade on our window. To my amazement there appeared a perfect impression of a dove in flight. If I could include a picture of it I would. It was left as a light grey/whitish impression. I went out on the deck to see if there was a dead bird or feathers there. Nothing. This image stayed on that window for months. I showed it to everyone and shared it on social medium. All were either amazed as I was or a bit skeptical. I am convinced that it was my wife letting me know she was ok and that the angels were with her. I have had numerous other messages from her over the last year that reaffirms this. I BELIEVE!!

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Todd, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!! What an amazing gift ❤

I wish there was a way to share photos here because I'd love to see it.

I had a similar dove experience. I was sitting at a red light one day and looked up at the clouds to see a perfect dove shaped cloud against the blue sky. It was just hanging there in front of me. I also took a pic and posted it and my friends on social were in awe.

I so love hearing these stories ❤❤

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Shortly after this incident happened I was on a trip to Utah for a family wedding. We were staying at a large house on a golf resort. My three brothers and I went out for a round of golf. one morning. On the 18th tee box I looked off into the northern sky from the highest point on this mountain valley course and there was a perfect cloud shaped dove looking down on us. I lost it right there. Again it is too bad I can not pass on the picture of this. Doves appear all the time now wherever I go. Maybe I just never really noticed them before but I do now.

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I think that's why angel episodes are so controversial. It could easily be that sightings like this have been there all along but we only notice them because we want to after a loss.

Regardless, they are blessings in times of grief. There's no harm in believing! ❤

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I have bird encounters all the time too. The first time after Curtis, my grandson died, was a flock of canada geese flying in their typical formation high above my car. I was so inspired by this vision that words started coming to my head. I raced home to write them down and it turned into a poem I called "A Time To Fly", which I read at his memorial. I've been teased by a raven swooping down at me from atop the lamp posts where I live and had whistling competitions with chickadees hiding in bushes around our storm pond when I'm out walking with our dog. Just yesterday 4 very low flying ducks glided over head and ever so slowly and precisely landed in unison on a still frozen part of the pond. I too, think these birds are always around but I see no coincidence in feeling the loving spirit that now seems to occupy them.

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In all honesty, I also thought about you when I heard this song of hers as well: One Hell of A Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEJP1a1yjj0

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Oh wow, this one is even better than the other one. I wish I'd known this artist when I was looking for songs for his memorial. Amazing song title and it absolutely encapsulates his truth.

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I think great folk songs do this. Speak to our hearts in ways and channels we didn't even know existed. One Hell of A Life was mine and Susan's life together. Fierce, on the island of our own making, healing. That's what I really miss.

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It's such a gaping hole, isn't it? It's like so much silence after a life of vibrant noise.

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That is it exactly

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I thought about you and your son when I heard this today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlCMJEX3ux4 I don't know if it will live link. Katell Keinig singing Partisan

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Wow some of those lyrics describe exactly what I'd like to do. What interesting ideas she has. I especially liked the part about going behind his eyes to watch him watch me.

Fascinating. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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Kind of like the Welsh Joni Mitchell. Phrased things in a way that you understood when you listened, but hadn't thought about before.

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